Fri fragt over 599 kr
Levering 1 hverdage
365 dages returret
Et sæt ekstra feller (2 stk.) til klassiske Madshus-langrendsski
Dette Intelligrip-skind fra Madshus er lavet af en blanding af mohair og nylon og giver den bedste kombination af holdbarhed og fæste.
Størrelsesguide - fellernes længde måles i centimeter
Mål længden på dine gamle feller for at finde den rette længde.
anmeldelser (3)
"Skiene ble som nye med ny fell." | |
Kjell Magnus Hovde (Melsomvik) | 19-01-2021 |
"I haven't had a chance to give it ago One thing though is that when I was ready to replace the skin, the new skin was a bit to long to seat in the pocket so I had to cut it to make it fit. I ordered a 45cm skin strip and had to cut about a 1/8 inch off just to let you know cheers" | |
Meron Luchka (Rossland) | 17-03-2021 |
Svar fra SkatePro: Hi Meron, Thank you for your review! Sorry to hear that you needed to make an additional job to cut them, so they fit. Hopefully, everything is fine now and you can enjoy the skis.✌ /Lina |